Happy New Year!!!
31st Dec 2023
MegaCon Orlando 2018
17th May 2018
New Plecter Pixel info and starter settings
17th May 2018
What is the Photon Blade™? Several months ago a gentleman on the forums came out of nowhere to showcase his experiments with photo-reactive material, in his case, acrylic blades, and how they amplify...
All of the same techniques we use in the industry standard 1" blade now come in the 7/8" diamter size for those smaller sized sabers. 7/8" blades are a great alternative to the 'whipy' 3/4" diameter...
Nothing is more infuriating than putting a blade in a saber, lighting it up only to discover there is a spec of dust the size of an asteroid inside your blade. Don't let yourself be a victim of this...
Finally. After much testing and trials we are able to bring you, the steadfast and enduring troopers and Con goers, a colored Day Blade for trooping when you can't or don't want to have your saber...
31st Dec 2023
17th May 2018
17th May 2018