Add to Wish list Choose Options Quick view Compare 3 Inch Coupler 25.80£ You've asked for it, we delivered! A new, longer model coupler for adding that little bit of extra length to our Combat Class staff set ups. This new coupler has a solid core middle for better balance and weight, and sound separation... Choose Options Add to Wish list Add to Wish list Out of stock Quick view Compare SOLD OUT Combat Class Coupler 20.16£ You've asked for it, and we've heard you. The Combat Class Coupler is the perfect piece for joining two Combat Class sabers together into a saber staff. properly vented for letting out that awesome Plecter quality sound, this is definitely a great... Out of stock Add to Wish list
Add to Wish list Out of stock Quick view Compare SOLD OUT Combat Class Coupler 20.16£ You've asked for it, and we've heard you. The Combat Class Coupler is the perfect piece for joining two Combat Class sabers together into a saber staff. properly vented for letting out that awesome Plecter quality sound, this is definitely a great... Out of stock Add to Wish list